Let there be Flutter!
I thought it would be as easy as it was getting Dart up and running…
Getting Dart running on Debian was easy. Their documentation on how to install is short. Basically it is:
- Add the signature key for the apt repository
- Add the repository
- Use apt to install dart
- Modify your PATH to have access to dart binaries
- Maybe install some global packages like devtools, stagehand, webdev
- And adding another path to your PATH
As Flutter comes from the same direction, I thought, that installing it would be as easy as that.
But no, it isn't.
Yes, it is not very hard. But getting it going completely with the Android emulator, and all from the command line, was not.
First, installing Flutter itself does not have an apt repository. The installation instructions give you the option for either a snap package, or a compressed collection of files, that you just decompress and adjust your PATH towards it.
To get the most learning out of it (by triggering more problems, it seems), I had chosen the snap way.
$ aptitude install snapd
$ snap install flutter --classic
adjust PATH to include the snap-binaries:
They recommend you to check flutter doctor
for checking if all
is running well. In my case it said that the Android toolchain and Android
Studio were missing.
[!] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices
• Android SDK at /some/where/AndroidSDK/
✗ Unable
to locate Android SDK.
Install Android
Studio from: https://developer.android.com/studio/index.html
On first launch it will assist you in installing the Android SDK
(or visit
https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install/linux#android-setup for
detailed instructions).
If the Android
SDK has been installed to a custom location, please use
`flutter config --android-sdk` to update to that location.
✗ Android SDK file not found: adb.
• Try
re-installing or updating your Android SDK,
visit https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install/linux#android-setup for
detailed instructions.
Checking the Debian packages, there is a android-sdk available, but just for SDK platform 23, which seems to be Android 6 / Marschmallow. Currently Android is already at Version 11. Therefore I had chosen to install a newer version, which can be gotten via the androidsdk, which can be installed via snap:
$ snap install androidsdk
It has a list of available packages, androidsdk --list, where it is a little bit confusing on what to choose from, I think.
Fiddling around, I found the following should be there:
$ androidsdk platform-tools "build-tools;30.0.3" "platforms;android-30" "cmdline-tools;latest" "
If the doctor doesn't find it, e.g. with the message
No valid Android SDK platforms found
, the path might not be
right. Use the suggested $ flutter config --android-sdk
point to the path, where the SDK is installed. In my case I have it set to:
$ flutter config --android-sdk ~/AndroidSDK
Now it probably warns you about license status: Android license status unknown.
$ androidsdk --licenses
$ flutter doctor --android-licenses
to accept the licenses. If you now get the following error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
you are probably missing the cmdline-tools, of course. Make sure that you have used androidsdk to install this too.
Now we set up the emulator by calling:
$ flutter emulators --create
If it complains with the following message, then you didn't install a
suitable system image with androidsdk:
No suitable Android AVD system images are available. You may need to
install these using sdkmanager, for example:
sdkmanager "system-images;android-27;google_apis_playstore;x86"
To get your virtual Android up and running, run the following command:
$ flutter emulators --launch flutter_emulator
In my case it didn't directly work. It complained about missing KVM support.
handleCpuAcceleration: feature check for hvf
With the cpu-checker
package from apt, the command
returned the information, that KVM is theoretically
possible on my machine, but it currently is disabled. Go to the BIOS and
enable it. In my BIOS it was not named KVM or VT or
AMD-V or VMX or something like that, but it is
Coming back into the system, flutter didn't work right anymore, giving me the message:
snap-confine has elevated permissions and is not confined but should be.
Refusing to continue to avoid permission escalation attacks
cannot change profile for the next exec call: No such file or directory
Apparmor was blocking access now that the hardware accelerated virtualization was enabled. Digging around the following commands helped:
$ apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/*snap-confine*
$ apparmor_parser -r /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/snap-confine*
$ apparmor_parser -r /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/*
$ systemctl enable --now apparmor.service
After that, the emulator would start and work.
Basic set up done.
The next step was to create a simple Flutter project and get that running.
Therefore I used $ flutter create myFirstProject
. It creates a
basic project with all needed files. Trying to $ flutter run
directly failed in my case.
already had Java and Gradle installed, which are needed to create the
Android APK. I wanted new and current versions, so I had updated older
versions (Java 11, Gradle 6.3) to Java 16. With the error message:
BUG! exception in phase 'semantic analysis' in source unit
'_BuildScript_' Unsupported class file major version 60
my first instinct was to update also Gradle as that old version probably did
not support the new Java version. But it failed again. Looking more closely
and with the -v
verbose option on, I saw, that the building
didn't use my Gradle, but hat a version on its own, which is version 6.7,
which doesn't support Java 16...
The solution in this case was to use sdkman to downgrade Java. Most options
were either version 16 or 11, so I chose version 11.
Finally, a working Flutter set up, that creates, compiles, runs.
(Writing this post I came across the problem of needing to remove the
already create
emulator, which Flutter created last time. It just has the option to create,
but not to remove. For that you need to use the avdmanager like this:
$ ~/AndroidSDK/cmdline-tools/latest/bin/avdmanager delete avd --name flutter_emulator
On to using Vim for the development.
Simple Dart support comes with the plugin dart-lang/dart-vim-plugin.
More fancy features come with using the language server protocol. I use prabirshrestha/vim-lsp, which I already had a little post on how to set it up.
provides an installer for setting up the
analysis-server-dart-snapshot. As I already have Dart set up as a system
package, which gets updated that way, I also want to directly use that
given analysis server, which can simply be defined with this line in the
let g:lsp_settings = {
'analysis-server-dart-snapshot': {
\ 'cmd': [
\ '--lsp'
\ ]
\ }
\ }
Then there is Flutter. For it there is another Vim plugin: thosakwe/vim-flutter
For debugging, the puremourning/vimspector plugin for Vim has already information on how to get it running with Dart & Flutter. But that is just to tiny to get instantly going.
What to do:
Install the vimspector vim-plugin by e.g. adding it to your list of
plugins in your .vimrc
with git in a different directory and build it
In my case, I already had npm installed. But you might need it:
aptitude install npm
git clone https://github.com/Dart-Code/Dart-Code
cd Dart-Code
Better check out a stable version then the current master
git checkout v3.22.0
You might need to install webpack, as without the build will probably
npm install webpack
And then build that project, and hope, that it works without problems
$ npm run build
(If something fails you might need to clean that directory, e.g. with
$ git clean -dxf
After that, there should be the needed file out/dist/debug.js be created.
Now we need to create two files, one defines general "gadgets" for vimspector, and the other defines the needed variables in your project.
The gadget-file should go either
(I found other possible locations or names, which didn't work for me.)
In mine there is currently the following inside:
"adapters": {
"dart-test-code": {
"command": [
"type": "dart_test",
"variables": {
"root": "/home/myself/projects/dart_projects/Dart-Code"
"dart-code": {
"command": [
"type": "dart",
"variables": {
"root": "/home/myself/projects/dart_projects/Dart-Code"
"flutter-test-code": {
"command": [
"type": "flutter_test",
"variables": {
"root": "/home/myself/projects/dart_projects/Dart-Code"
"flutter-code": {
"command": [
"type": "flutter",
"variables": {
"root": "/home/myself/projects/dart_projects/Dart-Code"
"multi-session": {
"host": "${host}",
"port": "${port}"
It defines 4 different types, which then can be used in all projects.
In the project folder, there should be the .vimspector.json
And that one contains e.g.:
"configurations": {
"launch": {
"adapter": "flutter-code",
"configuration": {
"request": "launch",
"type": "flutter",
"flutterSdkPath": "/snap",
"dartSdkPath": "/usr/lib/dart/bin",
"program": "${workspaceRoot}/lib/main.dart",
"args": ["-d", "emulator-5554"],
"cwd": "${workspaceRoot}"
It tells Vimspector to use the previously defined flutter-gadget and which the starting file would be. In my case I also needed to add the "args" entry. Without it, starting debugging, it would error out as it would have multiple options for running the program on, as it would see: an emulator, a real device, and a web browser.
Inside vim, inside the main.dart file, running the debugger should work:
:call vimspector#Launch()
You should start the emulator first, if you want to use that:
:FlutterEmulators --launch flutter_emulator
Somehow my normal bindings for Vimspector (F5, F8) don't work. Probably because Vimspector doesn't directly recognize the dart files, and therefore doesn't set up the bindings.
For now I am okay using :call vimspector#Something
It works... for now :D
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