Sonntag, 18. September 2022

The case of the broken SteamDeck

My SteamDeck notice and shortly after my SteamDeck came around the easter days. It's a nice device and I pushed many hours playing games in on it.

[Java] Custom hibernate SQL queries

Sprint Data JpaRepository makes it easy to have simple custom queries. But more complex queries with custom output, grouping, aggregation and more are partly not possible and need the usage of other utilities.

Java + Vim: Annotation Processing for Lombok, QueryDsl and such

Getting Java working with Vim is quickly done with vim-lsp and vim-lsp-settings.

But using generated classes, like those from Lombok or QueryDsl or MapStruct, needs a little more work.

[Review/Critic] UDock X - 13,3" LapDock

The UDock X - 13.3" LapDock is a combination of touch display, keyboard, touch-pad and battery. It can be used as an extension of vari...