is going around.
You can find it currently here:
Trying to run those games I got some error.
First: Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP
After extracting the tar.gz I run the getting this:
$ ./run.shThe problem arises from having the game in a location with spaces that looks like this "/Humble Indie Bundle 5/".
dirname: extra operand `Indie'
Try `dirname --help' for more information.
./ 20: ./ ./swordandsworcery: not found
So I changed the to look like this:
#!/bin/sh(You could also move the game to a position where is no space inside the path.)
# Get game directory
GAMEDIR=`dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")"`
# Ensure the log directory exists
mkdir -p $LOGDIR
# For multi-monitor displays, choose a screen to display on to avoid having
# the game be displayed in the middle across both screens in fullscreen mode
# Modify library paths here
# Run the game and try to log any errors if any
cd "$BIN"
./swordandsworcery $@ 2>&1 | tee -a $LOGDIR/log.txt
Second: LIMBO
It is not a native game as it runs within wine that comes with the package. Using the I haven't encountered any problems so far.
I'm not quite happy seeing games using wine inside a bundle. But at least it is packed good enough for endusers to nearly not notice.
Third: Bastion
$ ./Bastion-HIB-2012-05-29-2.shThere might be different reasons why this happens.
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing Installer for Bastion.............
Uncompressing sub archive...........................................................................................................
Collecting info for this system...
Operating system: linux
CPU Arch: x86_64
Error: Couldn't find any suitable frontend for your system
Maybe it really couldn't find a suitable frontend or your /tmp is full.
Therefore you can try some frontends like this:
$ ./ --frontend=ncurses
Or the long way:
1) Extract it (Be sure to have NO space in the extraction path):
$ ./ --target ~/BastionExtract --noexec --keep2) Move into the new folder:
Creating directory ~/BastionExtract
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing Installer for Bastion.............
cd ~/BastionExtract
3) Execute the installer:
$ ./startupinstaller.shSome people are having an "exception error in Bastion when they move their mouse under Linux" with a strange DLL problem like this:
Uncompressing sub archive....................................................................
Collecting info for this system...
Operating system: linux
CPU Arch: x86_64
Nixstaller version 0.5.2, Copyright (C) 2006 - 2011 of Rick Helmus
Nixstaller comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
Nixstaller is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the about section for details.
Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for OpenTK.Input.Mouse ---> System.DllNotFoundException: libXi(Thanks to Sebastian B. for pointing out:
at (wrapper managed-to-native) OpenTK.Platform.X11.Functions:XISelectEvents (intptr,intptr,OpenTK.Platform.X11.XIEventMask&,int)
The solution to this:
in the bastion folder (probably: /usr/local/games/Bastion ) in the mono folder. Edit the "config" file.(
Add the following line between the <configuration> tags:
<dllmap dll="libXi" os="linux" target="">
"For people with Intel graphics and a black screen in Bastion, try this:
To fix Bastion on Intel integrated cards, do something like the following:
force_s3tc_enable=true ./Bastion.bin.x86_64
Setting this environment variable enables a specific texture compression algorithm in the video driver. With this, the game runs great on my Intel chipset.
I followed all the tricks given here for Bastion and then ran into the black screen problem (I got a cursor and the menu was there, I just couldn't see it). Found this tip here:
Seems to work now."
"I installed the package driconf and was able to enable the option in that utility. The screen is blank no more!"
(There is also a new update available. Changelogs:
Fourth: Psychonauts
(Still downloading … Will be added when done.)
Fifth: Amnesia: The Dark Descent
I got that one long time ago. So I don't test this package yet as I guess that they have made a decent work here again.
Thank you very much. I couldn't get Bastion to install.
AntwortenLöscheni too have some problems with bastion.
AntwortenLöschenit was very helpful to see your post, but unfortunately the game doesn't work after installation.
First it crashed all the time, when i moved my mouse, but after I've applied a strange dll-mapping fix this issue has gone..
Sadly this issue wasn't the only one. I got no 2d-rendering on my maschine.
I see nearly nothing.
I'm running a Fedora 17 x86-64 system on my maschine. Nothing realy works fine..
LöschenI've added your issue with fix to the post above for maybe other have that too.
What graphics card do you have?
Do you have the right drivers installed? Especially those for fast 3D rendering (like those binary blobs from AMD or nVidia)?
glxinfo | grep "direct rendering"
should bring you: Yes
That one might also be interesting:
glxinfo | grep OpenGL
I'm getting this for my AMD Radeon gpu:
OpenGL vendor string: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 Series
OpenGL version string: 3.3.11631 Compatibility Profile Context
OpenGL shading language version string: 3.30
Maybe that one is one for you:
"For people with Intel graphics and a black sreen in Bastion, try this:
To fix Bastion on Intel integrated cards, do something like the following:
force_s3tc_enable=true ./Bastion.bin.x86_64
Setting this environment variable enables a specific texture compression algorithm in the video driver. With this, the game runs great on my Intel chipset.
I followed all the tricks given here for Bastion and then ran into the black screen problem (I got a cursor and the menu was there, I just couldn't see it). Found this tip here:
Seems to work now."
"I installed the package driconf and was able to enable the option in that utility. The screen is blank no more!"
Also try the new build of Bastion. That might be better.
Good Luck!
Wohoo, that is incredible! Thank you for your nice help!
AntwortenLöschenforce_s3tc_enable=true ./Bastion.bin.x86_64
Works perfekt for me!
I'll suggest it to one of the Bastion-Developers I've contacted in the past.
When I try to run it I get this error
AntwortenLöschenUnhandled Exception: System.Exception: Shader error
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Effect.CompileShaderFromSource (System.String source, ShaderType shaderType) [0x00000] in :0
Any tips?
LöschenI couldn't find anything about it.
The game you try is Bastion on Linux I guess?!?
"Bastion requires a minimum resolution of 1024x768."
Try reinstalling your graphic drivers.
Try installing the propritary drivers for nVidia or AMD/ATI if you have one of those.
Check glxinfo for:
- direct rendering: Yes
- OpenGL version string being 2.1 or higher
- OpenGL shading language version string being 1.2 or higher
Drop Supergiant Games a line:
Hey sorry it took so long to respond I didn't try to run Bastion again until today. In case anyone reads this the problem was a bad nvidia driver installation. Apparently everything worked fine except direct rendering with some programs including Bastion. I don't know why.
LöschenHow did you fix this? I'm, getting this error on Steam for Linux Bastion. Which Driver did you use?
LöschenIs your driver running OK?
LöschenDo you get good output on glxinfo? Which?
Can you play other graphically heavy games?
You might also wanna try looking & posting on:
And especially on:
Good luck!