Create a code coverage report with jacoco, which can then be found in target/site/jacoco/index.html:
./mvnw clean jacoco:prepare-agent install jacoco:report
Running specific tests:
./mvnw test -Punit-tests -Dtest=FirstNiceTest*,SomeOtherNice*UnitTest
./mvnw test -Pintegration-tests -Dtest=AlsoSomeNice*IntegrationTest
Running all tests:
./mvnw test
./mvnw verify
Skipping tests:
./mvnw clean compile install -DskipTests
Opening a jshell in with the project classpath:
./mvnw com.github.johnpoth:jshell-maven-plugin:1.3:run -DtestClasspath
Running static code analysis with SpotBugs, FindSecBugs, PMD:
./mvnw clean compile spotbugs:spotbugs pmd:pmd checkstyle:checkstyle -DskipTests
For this to work, you also need to add some code in the pom.xml, like:
<!-- overwrite dependency on spotbugs if you want to specify the version of spotbugs -->
Having executed the checks, they create log files:
SpotBugs brings its own GUI to visualize its findings, which can be run via:
./mvnw spotbugs:gui
To have a look at the results of CheckStyle and PMD we can use vim and its QuickFix-commands:
The two interesting ones for us are:
:cg[etfile] [errorfile]
:cg :cgetfileRead the error file. Just like ":cfile" but don't
jump to the first error.
If the encoding of the error file differs from the
'encoding' option, you can use the 'makeencoding'
option to specify the encoding.
:cope :copen w:quickfix_title
When [height] is given, the window becomes that high
(if there is room). When [height] is omitted the
window is made ten lines high.
If there already is a quickfix window, it will be made
the current window. It is not possible to open a
second quickfix window. If [height] is given the
existing window will be resized to it.
The window will contain a special buffer, with
'buftype' equal to "quickfix". Don't change this!
The window will have the w:quickfix_title variable set
which will indicate the command that produced the
quickfix list. This can be used to compose a custom
status line if the value of 'statusline' is adjusted
properly. Whenever this buffer is modified by a
quickfix command or function, the b:changedtick
variable is incremented. You can get the number of
this buffer using the getqflist() and getloclist()
functions by passing the 'qfbufnr' item. For a
location list, this buffer is wiped out when the
location list is removed.
First, we load our errorfile and then open the window showing the errors with:
:cgetfile target/pmd.txt
:cgetfile target/checkstyle-result.txt
That way we get a nice view of our errors, and hitting ENTER on them will directly open the mentioned file and line, and also the column if given.
Different programs may create different formats in their output. The formats used in vim are specified in the variable errorformat, which is a list of formats, which are tried until one fits. So it may not be correct.
Just as it is not correct for the checkstyle-result. Instead of writing a fitting format for parsing, I just removed the first and last line, and those [ERROR] entries in front of each line. After that the file was working nicely.
IntelliJ IDEA has the ability to also execute format and inspect from the command line. The two scripts can be found in its bin-folder.
Format a single file:
./idea-IU/bin/ -s ./Googleish.xml
Format a folder recursively:./idea-IU/bin/ -s ./Googleish.xml -r MyNiceJavaProgram/src
Inspect a project and write the log into a file:
MyNiceJavaProgram ./Googleish.xml MyNiceJavaProgram/inspect.log -v2 -d MyNiceJavaProgram/src -format plainI created shell scripts for easier access from vim:
- format one file
/home/myself/programs/idea-IU/bin/ -s /home/myself/projects/ideaCLI/Googleish.xml $1
- format recursive from a path
/home/myself/programs/idea-IU/bin/ -s /home/myself/projects/ideaCLI/Googleish.xml -r $1
- inspect a project
/home/myself/programs/idea-IU/bin/ $1 /home/myself/projects/ideaCLI/Googleish.xml $1/inspect.log -v2 -d $1/src -format plain
And in vim, in the .vimrc, I have set up custom commands to call those scripts:
- format this file
command IdeaFormatThis ! /home/myself/projects/ideaCLI/ %:p - format from current file path
command IdeaFormatHere ! /home/myself/projects/ideaCLI/ %:p:h - format some path
command -nargs=1 IdeaFormatThere ! /home/myself/projects/ideaCLI/ <args> - inspect current project
command -nargs=1 IdeaInspect ! /home/myself/projects/ideaCLI/ <args>
The outputted inspect.log is again not in a vim compatible errorformat. And this time it needs a little more work to get it to that point.
- Remove all lines that are not beginning with a path
:v/^\s*\.\//d - Sort
:sort - Replace the dot with the full-path
:%s!^\s*\.!/full/path/to/the/project! - Put a colon behind the line number
Now the logged output looks nice in the quickfix / error window in vim.
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