Shouldn't there be GPU acceleration? Why is radeontop showing me, that my GPU is basically idling?
As always, there is not just one, but many.
Steeling information from archwiki:
- Video Acceleration API (VA-API)
- Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix (VDPAU)
vainfo and vdpauinfo are both giving me good results back about supported codecs, like:
- H264
- VC1
- VP9
So it should work. Right?
Following the links to Chromium and Firefox are leading to
A) you need a custom chromium with va-api, orNot installing the special chromium, and running Xorg, I don't currently have acceleration inside the browser.
B) wayland to get acceleration with firefox.
But what about vlc and mpv?
Thanks to youtube-dl you can download the videos from YouTube in lots of different formats and sizes, e.g.:
Let's get the best this video has to offer:$ youtube-dl -F [youtube] N1-Jmq7BLFE: Downloading webpage [info] Available formats for N1-Jmq7BLFE: format code extension resolution note 249 webm audio only tiny 66k , opus @ 50k (48000Hz), 2.09MiB 250 webm audio only tiny 84k , opus @ 70k (48000Hz), 2.77MiB 140 m4a audio only tiny 130k , m4a_dash container, mp4a.40.2@128k (44100Hz), 5.24MiB 251 webm audio only tiny 155k , opus @160k (48000Hz), 5.43MiB 394 mp4 256x144 144p 91k , av01.0.00M., 30fps, video only, 2.62MiB 278 webm 256x144 144p 99k , webm container, vp9, 30fps, video only, 3.37MiB 160 mp4 256x144 144p 111k , avc1.4d400c, 30fps, video only, 2.23MiB 395 mp4 426x240 240p 201k , av01.0.00M., 30fps, video only, 4.79MiB 242 webm 426x240 240p 228k , vp9, 30fps, video only, 6.57MiB 330 webm 256x144 144p60 HDR 243k , vp9.2, 60fps, video only, 6.71MiB 133 mp4 426x240 240p 245k , avc1.4d4015, 30fps, video only, 4.46MiB 396 mp4 640x360 360p 363k , av01.0.01M., 30fps, video only, 9.26MiB 243 webm 640x360 360p 450k , vp9, 30fps, video only, 12.89MiB 331 webm 426x240 240p60 HDR 502k , vp9.2, 60fps, video only, 15.98MiB 134 mp4 640x360 360p 633k , avc1.4d401e, 30fps, video only, 13.34MiB 397 mp4 854x480 480p 687k , av01.0.04M., 30fps, video only, 18.22MiB 244 webm 854x480 480p 782k , vp9, 30fps, video only, 23.93MiB 332 webm 640x360 360p60 HDR 1065k , vp9.2, 60fps, video only, 37.82MiB 135 mp4 854x480 480p 1157k , avc1.4d401f, 30fps, video only, 28.26MiB 398 mp4 1280x720 720p60 1359k , av01.0.08M., 60fps, video only, 42.11MiB 247 webm 1280x720 720p 1624k , vp9, 30fps, video only, 49.54MiB 333 webm 854x480 480p60 HDR 1990k , vp9.2, 60fps, video only, 75.45MiB 136 mp4 1280x720 720p 2314k , avc1.4d401f, 30fps, video only, 57.56MiB 399 mp4 1920x1080 1080p60 2428k , av01.0.09M., 60fps, video only, 73.81MiB 302 webm 1280x720 720p60 2682k , vp9, 60fps, video only, 80.53MiB 248 webm 1920x1080 1080p 2835k , vp9, 30fps, video only, 90.95MiB 298 mp4 1280x720 720p60 4055k , avc1.4d4020, 60fps, video only, 102.17MiB 137 mp4 1920x1080 1080p 4338k , avc1.640028, 30fps, video only, 110.15MiB 303 webm 1920x1080 1080p60 4473k , vp9, 60fps, video only, 147.45MiB 334 webm 1280x720 720p60 HDR 4527k , vp9.2, 60fps, video only, 177.12MiB 299 mp4 1920x1080 1080p60 6841k , avc1.64002a, 60fps, video only, 194.13MiB 335 webm 1920x1080 1080p60 HDR 6920k , vp9.2, 60fps, video only, 274.03MiB 400 mp4 2560x1440 1440p60 8521k , av01.0.12M., 60fps, video only, 249.60MiB 271 webm 2560x1440 1440p 9023k , vp9, 30fps, video only, 289.62MiB 308 webm 2560x1440 1440p60 13329k , vp9, 60fps, video only, 451.32MiB 336 webm 2560x1440 1440p60 HDR 16982k , vp9.2, 60fps, video only, 656.49MiB 401 mp4 3840x2160 2160p60 17006k , av01.0.13M., 60fps, video only, 504.35MiB 313 webm 3840x2160 2160p 18006k , vp9, 30fps, video only, 662.93MiB 402 mp4 7680x4320 4320p60 21504k , av01.0.17M., 60fps, video only, 605.22MiB 315 webm 3840x2160 2160p60 26636k , vp9, 60fps, video only, 1015.53MiB 337 webm 3840x2160 2160p60 HDR 30403k , vp9.2, 60fps, video only, 1.14GiB 272 webm 7680x4320 4320p60 30412k , vp9, 60fps, video only, 855.23MiB 571 mp4 7680x4320 4320p60 33459k , av01.0.17M., 60fps, video only, 960.11MiB 18 mp4 640x360 360p 617k , avc1.42001E, mp4a.40.2@ 96k (44100Hz), 24.99MiB 22 mp4 1280x720 720p 1551k , avc1.64001F, mp4a.40.2@192k (44100Hz) (best)
Running it with mpv yields information about the format:$ youtube-dl -f "bestvideo+bestaudio"
av1 7680x4320 59.940fpsAnd also with -v option:
AV1 is currently not supported for hardware acceleration.[vd] Codec list:
[vd] libaom-av1 (av1) - libaom AV1
[vd] Opening decoder libaom-av1
[vd] No hardware decoding requested.
[vd] Using software decoding.
VP9 should work.
Disallowing AV1 would be nice, but as you can see in the list, it is not just av01, but lots of different av01.something. They all have in commen, that they are all inside the mp4 container, and the others inside webm.
VP9 decoding is only available with va-api, so I request this from mpv:
It tries:$ mpv -v --hwdec=vaapi Bulgaria\ 8K\ HDR\ 60P\ \(FUHD\)-N1-Jmq7BLFE.webm
But then gives up:[vd] Codec list: [vd] vp9 - Google VP9 [vd] vp9_v4l2m2m (vp9) - V4L2 mem2mem VP9 decoder wrapper [vd] libvpx-vp9 (vp9) - libvpx VP9 [vd] Opening decoder vp9 [vd] Looking at hwdec vp9-vaapi...
So, we download another video. This time with smaller size:[ffmpeg/video] vp9: Hardware does not support image size 7680x4320 (constraints: width 0-4096 height 0-4096).
And now mpv is saying:$ youtube-dl -f "bestvideo[ext=webm][width<=4096][height<=4096]+bestaudio"
[vd] Using hardware decoding (vaapi).
In vlc it doesn't work for me and just gives errors:
glconv_vaapi_x11 gl error: vaDeriveImage: operation failed main video output error: video output creation failed main decoder error: failed to create video output
Back to mpv, which can directly take YouTube-URLs, and also has an option, which will be forwarded to youtube-dl. In that we can directly specify the format we want. So that we will get a video, which directly can be hardware decoded:
$ mpv --hwdec=yes --ytdl-format="bestvideo[width<=4096][height<=4096][ext=webm]+bestaudio"
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